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City Talk

Buildings Matter - Preservation Cements Our Stories and Sense of Place

2 years 3 months ago
I met with Peter Tao, who shared his family’s history of immigration to the U.S., including a connection to the Grandview Arcade building on South Grand. This story is a collaboration between Peter and I to shed some light on the history of this beautiful building and its ties to Asian-Americans in St. Louis.
Mark Groth

Chasing Down a Mystery - Hammer Dry Plate Factory

3 years ago
Looking for historic photos of Fox Park, I stumbled across a mystery that had to be investigated. Nothing I love more than a myth-buster/hobbyist-researcher worm hole. Every mystery has its joys and interactions with great people, this was no exception.
Mark Groth

Buildings of the Former Immaculate Conception Parish

3 years ago
I-44 and the cyclone of 1896 spared the former Immaculate Conception Catholic buildings in the The Gate District. They remain as beautiful reminders of the past when St. Louis was teeming with Catholics. The school a found new use as apartments.
Mark Groth

George H. W. Bush - Fox Park Speech

3 years 1 month ago
President George H. W. Bush gave a campaign speech in Fox Park back in 1992. Crime was on his mind. I summarized the parts of his speech with local interest.
Mark Groth

Bottle Rockets - A Fond Farewell

3 years 1 month ago
Earlier this month I learned of the retirement announcement from Brian Henneman, lead singer and main songwriter for the Bottle Rockets. After 28 years, they leave behind an incredible discography and so many great live shows. Here are some thoughts on their impact on us.
Mark Groth